Models UI
The Models web app is responsible for allowing the user to manipulate the Model Servers in their Kubeflow cluster. To achieve this it provides a user friendly way to handle the lifecycle of InferenceService
The web app currently works with v1beta1
versions of InferenceService
The web app is also exposing information from the underlying Knative resources, like Conditions from the Knative Configurations, Route and Revisions as well as live logs from the Model server pod.
Installation and Access
Refer for installation
The web app includes the following resources:
- A
for running the backend server, and serving the static frontend files - A
for configuring the incluster network traffic - A
to give the necessary permissions to the web app’s Pod - A
for exposing the app via the cluster’s Istio Ingress Gateway
The web app is included as a part of the Kubeflow 1.5 release manifests. It is exposed via the Central Dashboard, out of the box.
In this case all the resources of the web app will be installed in the
namespace. Users can access the web app either via the
Istio Ingress Gateway or by
port-forwarding the backend.
Port forwarding
# set the following ENV vars in the app's Deployment
kubectl edit -n kserve deployments.apps kserve-models-web-app
# expose the app under localhost:5000
kubectl port-forward -n kserve svc/kserve-models-web-app 5000:80
The web app has a mechanism for performing authentication and authorization
checks, to ensure that user actions are compliant with the cluster’s RBAC,
which is only enabled in the kubeflow manifests of the app. This mechanism
can be toggled by leveraging the APP_DISABLE_AUTH: "True" | "False"
ENV Var.
This mechanism is only enabled in the kubeflow manifests since in a Kubeflow installation all requests that end up in the web app’s Pod will also contain a custom header that denotes the user. In a Kubeflow installation there’s an authentication component in front of the cluster that ensures only logged in users can access the cluster’s services. In the standalone mode such a component might not always be deployed.
The web app will be using the value from this custom header to extract the name of the K8s user that made the request. Then it will create a SubjectAccessReview to check if the user has permissions to perform the specific action, for example deleting an InferenceService in a namespace.
If you are port-forwarding the app via kubectl port-forward then you will need to set APP_DISABLE_AUTH=“True” in the web app’s Deployment. When port-forwarding the authentication header will not be set, which will result in the web app raising 401 errors.Namespace selection
Both in standalone and in kubeflow setups the user needs to be able to select a Namespace in order to interact with the InferenceServices in it.
In standalone mode the web app will show a dropdown that will show all the namespaces to the user and allow them to select any of them. The backend will make a LIST request to the API Server to get all the namespaces. In this case the only authorization check that takes place is in the K8s API Server that ensures the web app Pod’s ServiceAccount has permissions to list namespaces.
In kubeflow mode the Central Dashboard is responsible for the Namespace selection. Once the user selects a namespace then the Dashboard will inform the iframed Models web app about the newly selected namespace. The Models web app itself won’t expose a dropdown namespace selector in this mode.
Use Cases
Currently users can do the following workflows via this web app:
- See a list of the existing InferenceService CRs in a Namespace
- Create a new InferenceService by providing a YAML
- Inspect an InferenceService
- View the live status of the InferenceService
- Inspect the K8s Conditions of the underlying Knative resources
- View the logs of the created Model server Pod, for that InferenceService
- Inspect the YAML contents as they are stored in the K8s API Server
- View some basic metrics
The main page of the app provides a list of all the InferenceServices that are deployed in the selected Namespace. The frontend periodically polls the backend for the latest state of InferenceServices.

The page for creating a new InferenceService. The user can paste the YAML object of the InferenceService they wish to create.
Note that the backend will override the provided .metadata.namespace
field of
the submitted object, to prevent users from trying to create InferenceServices
in other namespaces.

Users can delete an existing InferenceService by clicking on the icon next to an InferenceService, in the main page that lists all the namespaced resources.
The backend is using foreground cascading deletion when deleting an InferenceService. This means that the InferenceService CR will be deleted from the K8s API Server only once the underlying resources have been deleted.Inspecting
Users can click on the name of an InferenceService, from the main page, and view a more detailed summary of the CR’s state. In this page users can inspect:
- The overview of the InferenceService’s status (OVERVIEW)
- A user friendly representation of the CR’s spec (DETAILS)
- Metrics from the underlying resources (METRICS)
- Logs from the created Pods (LOGS)
- The YAML file as is in the K8s API Server (YAML)

To gather the logs the backend will:
- Filter all the pods that have a
label - Get the logs from the
As mentioned in the above sections the web app allows users to inspect the metrics from the InferenceService. This tab will not be enable by default. In order to expose it the users will need to install Grafana and Prometheus.
Currently the frontend is expecting to find a Grafana exposed in the /grafana
prefix. This Grafana instance will need to have specific dashboards in order
for the app to embed them in iframes. We are working on making this more
generic to allow people to expose their own graphs.
You can install Grafana and Prometheus, for the web app to consume, by installing
- the
files from the Knative 0.18 release - the following yaml files for exposing Grafana outside the cluster, by allowing anonymous access
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: grafana-custom-config
namespace: knative-monitoring
labels: "v0.11.0"
custom.ini: |
# You can customize Grafana via changing the context of this field.
# enable anonymous access
enabled = true
allow_embedding = true
root_url = "/grafana"
serve_from_sub_path = true
kind: VirtualService
name: grafana
namespace: knative-monitoring
- kubeflow/kubeflow-gateway
- '*'
- match:
- uri:
prefix: /grafana/
- destination:
host: grafana.knative-monitoring.svc.cluster.local
number: 30802
kind: AuthorizationPolicy
name: models-web-app
namespace: kubeflow
action: ALLOW
- from:
- source:
- cluster.local/ns/istio-system/sa/istio-ingressgateway-service-account
kustomize.component: kserve-models-web-app kserve-models-web-app
If you installed the app in the standalone mode then you will need to instead use the knative-serving/knative-ingress-gateway Ingress Gateway and deploy the AuthorizationPolicy in the kserve namespace instead.After applying these YAMLs, based on your installation mode, and ensuring the
Grafana instance is exposed under /grafana
the web app will show the

The following is a list of ENV var that can configure different aspects of the application.
ENV Var | Default value | Description |
APP_PREFIX | “/models” | Controls the app’s prefix, by setting the base-url element |
APP_DISABLE_AUTH | “False” | Controls whether the app should use SubjectAccessReviews to ensure the user is authorized to perform an action |
APP_SECURE_COOKIES | “True” | Controls whether the app should use Secure CSRF cookies. By default the app expects to be exposed with https |
CSRF_SAMESITE | “Strict” | Controls the SameSite value of the CSRF cookie |
USERID_HEADER | “kubeflow-userid” | Header in each request that will contain the username of the logged in user |
USERID_PREFIX | "" | Prefix to remove from the USERID_HEADER value to extract the logged in user name |
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